
Monday, July 12, 2010

Me and N

A few weeks ago I got to spend a wonderful morning with my youngest grandchild, N. We talked about what to do with our short time together and decided to go to the local zoo. It's not a big one but as I said to him "it's better than sitting in front of the boob-toob" and he agreed.

So we packed up a little snack, a drink and of course the all important and favorite tool of all all grandmas everywhere - the camera.

As we walked along on the tour we had little conversation as we listened to our Safari guide but, some hand holding and hugs were strategically weaseled in by me. (LOL)

Truthfully we had a grand time, both enjoyed every minute of it.

As we sadly headed out and back to the car we discussed other great things there are to do here in the small college town where I live. We have dozens of free parks provided by the agricultural programs of the school and other great adventures. We passed a live theater house, a planetarium and a special 'little people' program sponsored by the college, all which excited him and we discussed plans to see them all.

As we neared home he realized that his time was almost over and reached over to hold my hand and said to me "Bamma, you are the best grandma in the whole world, I love you" the sweetest words a grandma can hear.

Yep, he's pretty special to me too. Actually, a little more than just "pretty special"!

As you raise your children and have those special moments with them and then your grandchildren you realize how precious those sincere, uninhibited moments are. Each and every time it's just as valuable and sweet.

I have to believe that it must feel equal or better to God when we stop and say that to Him. We get so involved with needs and thank Yous and request with organized prayers - how many times do we just stop and without prayer give a big "I love You Lord" I think He feels as wonderful as I did in that moment, Nope, I know He does.


  1. You make a very good point there Miawa. I'm glad to hear you had a good time with your grandson. A making memories kind of day :)

  2. Halelujah! Lord, I love you, too!

    Those words spoken aloud or in our hearts bring Him unexpressable joy!

    Grace and Peace,


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