I received the most humongous, tiny little blessing today and I am so excited to share it. God is so Amazing.
I love to walk (can't do a lot anymore) and love to ride my bike (same) and just love to move about on this awesome earth God gave us. Someone unknown to me once said "the earth is God's canvas and what an artist He is!"
I was in the jazzy chair today traveling on a bike path near me. It's miles long and gardened by the UofF so it's really a nice path. I live in Gainesville, Florida by the way.
So, as I meandered along eyeing every plant and insect, relishing over the absolute beauty of each flower and leaf, the designs and patterns being breathtaking! Lo and behold right dead in front of me was a tiny 3" x 2" piece of bark it jumped into my vision path and grabbed me, OK so Somebody pointed it out to me, you know Who. Am I overdoing it? I'm really that excited.
As soon as I could focus on it I saw the cross and it took my breath away. I picked it up to look at it closely, it was hand carved on a piece of bark. My heart was leaping and I was almost in tears it was such a magnificent little treasure to find. As I turned it over I saw written on the other side "CHOOSE JESUS AND LIVE".
I've been traveling along by bike and walking for a long time and have found many treasures like change, tools, cups, cell phones, and once $100, 5x20's folded in half and then half again. Like someone meant to put it in their pocket and missed. But no treasure ever that blessed me like this one.
I thought about the sweet heart of the person who must have carved this, maybe a gentle, filled spirit or maybe someone so in need of Christ they were reaching out to Him. Well they reached me!
I took some pictures and held it for a while as I realized that God wants me to go back tomorrow and place it back on that path for someone else who needs a blessing to find it. Yep I am headed back there tomorrow and who knows what I'll find this time. You are so wonderful my Lord and thank You, thank You so much I am anxious about who you are going to bless in a huge way next with this wonderful little tiny gift.
I remember a sermon once where the pastor said we each need to pray every day "Lord give me some small thing to do today that You can make great!" Surely God's hand was in the making of this small thing.
Lord bless the person who made this and shared it, let them know in their heart that Your will has been done thank you for that person. Amen
I am passing this to each of you by way of my story trusting you will pass it on to someone else and I am returning this treasure back to where it came from praying for the next person who finds it. Open up and let God bless you today, be looking for it.
How beautiful! The little message bark AND the post.
ReplyDeleteAND the blessing. God is good all the time. Small blessings, great trials, they all are sifted through our Father's hands before they ever touch us.
God is sooooo good.