Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever
Hebrews 13:8 KJV
Imagine that! He is forever strong, faithful, loving, gracious, forgiving and amazing. I can't manage being what I need to be for one whole day, I falter and have to be lifted up again by my gracious Father.
I am so grateful to You Lord for always being there through all my human frailties. For always without ever failing being beside me as You promised. Time and time again You have shown me that every word in Your Holy Word is as "forever" as You are.
There is a lot to read and remember a lot to comprehend and at times it is difficult. You have given me unfailing resources to help me understand. I thank You so much for my sister J who always makes the time to explain things.
I want to grow in wisdom and faith, I need true understanding of what Your Guide Book is telling me and I have learned that when I ask You, You always make sure the answer is there for me. I am a real pain sometimes to those around me, needing to have answers and slow to understand sometimes but You have blessed me with patient and loving people to help me.
We all need resources, our churches, reference books, the Internet sites available and family and friends with their love, and prayer. I pray that you all reach out for the right resources to guide you and give you information that leads you to letting God be in control of your lives. If you are like me you can probably pick up a 40lb bag of feed and carry it but it is so much easier with someone else carrying one end of it. We all need resources.
There is so much comfort in the words "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever".
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