
Friday, September 17, 2010

Picture Perfect Friday

I took my Mom (86) to the beach, not just any but, my favorite, Vilano.

It's been a lot of years since she has been to a beach and I thought she would enjoy herself, I knew I would, and we needed to just get out. So we packed up a couple of hot dogs, some chips and drinks, our two chairs and headed out.

I love the breaking of the waves!
She is a grumpy person and never wants to go anywhere so, I was very firm about it and drug her out for a sunny, breezy, special day. Imagine the sound of the ocean, the waves rolling in and the beautiful growth, ahhhh!

I think you can see from her smile, she did enjoy herself. She sat on the beach a while, then under the shelter and in both places just chatted away with any stranger she saw. She's talking about "next time we go we'll...".

I'll say it again..."I never feel closer to You Lord than when out in nature"! "I am always overwhelmed by You" Amen


  1. What a terrific symphony for the senses. The sound of crashing waves, the rugged feel of the cochina between your toes. The warmth of the sun. The whipping winds off the waves. The smell and taste of salt all around you.

    It IS invigorating. I'm glad she agreed to go. And the pictures are terrific.


  2. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard." Psalms 19:1-3

  3. Aw, your mom looks like she had a great time. I bet she's really happy you forced her to go:) Nothing clears the mind and the senses like a day at the beach.


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