
Monday, December 21, 2009

God's Grace Shared

For a while now I have made several postings about my friend R. She and her family came through a terrible ordeal by the Grace of God and only His Grace and Mercy.

Since their family has been knitted back together they have seen through the eyes of their heart how God reaches out through others to help each of us. They are of a different religious faith than me but they love the same God and the same Christ.

I don't think a day has gone by since their life was changed that they haven't been at church for something. R (husb) has been at the church daily helping with a group from the church who go to others and mend houses for those in need. R (her) has been completely involved with the church in getting baskets for those in need and house hold supplies by shopping and putting these things together for others.

They know first hand what God's amazing Grace feels like. They are committed to helping others feel that Grace also. They are sharing, they are reaching out, they are working to help others, they are saying "thank You" to God.

Horrible ordeal - yes, life changing ordeal - yes, God's Grace is to be testified to and they are filled with doing just that.

I love R (her), she is a dear friend and now, a dear friend in Christ.

As always Father, thank You for Your almighty saving Grace, thank you for no matter what the ordeal - for handling it. Thank You for determining the outcome and for lessons brought at Your hand.

Thank You

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Amen!

    God can turn anything into good for us, can't He?

    Please tell R & R Merry Christmas from me.



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