It's spring and I love it. I know it's spring because I have Lillie's, Lillie's and more Lillie's in bloom! The roses aren't blooming yet but soon they will be. Everything is beginning anew.
Indulge me and bare with all the pictures I loaded, I just love to look at them. I love the bright fresh colors, the dew on the petals and leaves and the shadows of these pics I took early in the morning before the sun was up.
It's no surprise that God referred to Himself as: Song of Solomon 2:1 I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. No one can pass a bulk of Lillie's planted together in bloom or the beauty of even one single rose on a bush without stopping to pay attention. It consumes you.
That overwhelming feeling you have for just a few minutes at the sight of such amazing beauty is the exact way God wants us to feel over and over again with every thought of Him. That calm and quiet feeling that is all consuming.
I see and feel God's love in every tree, limb, flower I see. Even the barren trees of winter display His power and grace, the architecture is an amazement. Surely His hand is in all.
I make it a point to stop and feel Him with every glance or stare, He is there and He is in me, because I asked Him to be. Please invite Christ into your life and enjoy the amazement.
You are His lilly!
Dear Miawa,
ReplyDeleteYour photos are beautiful. It's still chilly here and the lilies haven't yet opened up. But the daffodils, crocuses, and narcissus are sprinkled everywhere.
Jesus said that, if God provides for the grass which lives today and tomorrow is cast into a furnace, surely He cares for us much more.
Surely He does.
Praise God he does!