
Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday School

The plan:
It was a wonderful Sunday here. Our little group of kids don't go to Church and don't have parents who are going to take or send them so, we decided to have Sunday School here.

It was wonderful, three kids showed up at 10:00 promptly and were ready. We started at the beginning - Genesis 1:1 with Creation.
Two others wanted to be here but they didn't wake
and their parents didn't wake them but
they are going to try again
next Sunday.
The three enjoyed it so much and asked
"can we do this every
Sunday?", yes was my reply.

I followed a real curriculum from the net and printed all the material they needed so we were ready.

We met in their favorite place, in their field where they play and sat on blankets ready to jump in and learn and have fun. They did both and so did I. This was a blessing from God and a special sharing time. Our scripture was Genesis chapter 1, our word for the week - sharing, we have a song from the curriculum to learn and a prayer we wrote to open and close our class with.

Lord keep us close when we are apart
Keep us safe in your hands
Keep us calm when we are angry
And teach us about true love and sharing

Said and done:
They were in tune, full of questions and had plenty to say, they giggled and had to be corrected, they had drink and chips as we read the whole of chapter 1 and they colored their pictures representing Gen 1:1, they made beautiful pictures. They learned that "God made our World". And afterward we had lunch, you guessed it - hot dogs, chips and beans - their favorite meal. We made a small poster with a world on it and I asked them what are your favorite things that God made? There was chocolate, candy, animals, sweets, apples, Nadine (Z's girlfriend), trees and food

And onward:
I pre-printed their lesson for next week "God made me" and we go on to chapter 2. They are already looking forward to it. I was in total shock when my grandson Z got his lesson for next week and he and Angel went over it together - real shocker! I heard them in his room and couldn't believe it. Then later tonight my grandson said "you know that Sunday School we had this morning really was good I enjoyed it" I ALMOST FELL ON THE FLOOR, I must have looked at him strangely, he replied again "that was a compliment" - Thank you I said and Thank You Lord Jesus!
Father You just keep amazing me, I see Your love everywhere!


  1. So sweet. Oh, soooo sweet!


  2. Sounds like they have a wonderful time. What a great way to spend a Sunday. And don't you just love it when those kids shock you with the things they say?

  3. I sure do love it, they shock me all the time!

  4. God Bless you Miawa. Wish I could have been there to see it. Love Lynne


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