Everyone was calm, peaceful, sweet to each other and considerate. The children (4 total) played peacefully and quietly. I was like - whoa! Yes Lord, thank You Lord it was just "nice". I so much appreciated who was there and missed my other grown daughter and her spouse and son who couldn't make it. But, it was just so nice anyway.
We ate every drop of a huge pot of chili and chimichaungus and salsa, also salad, cookies, pudding, candy and ....ugh, enough!
It was so wonderful and pretty, I put up lots of lights and took pictures (most of which are blurry) and it was raining so we didn't have our fire. My son got out a little, little burner he carries in his bug-out-bag and sat it on the table lit with a tiny little flame. The kids enjoyed holding there hands up to it and pretending they had a camp fire.
Even Z was an angel - Lord you really blessed my CHRISTmas now use me to help someone else to be blessed by You. Lord take this journey with me!
A truly wonderful CHRISTmas celebration, I pray the same for each of you. Let the Lord bless you today.
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