
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm Late But here I come...

It's Wednesday and I usually write on Monday but it's been a wild week (LOL) and I haven't handled it as well as I should have. Keeping my priorities straight is a real issue for an old gypsy like me.

I wanted to touch base and talk about some of the blessings this week instead of the big CC's (my Curiosities and Complaints).

Well, I've been calmer this week, my grandson Z has been too. My daughter has been wonderful about taking care of me since my little episode with the hospital trip. My Mom has been trying as hard as I have to not get on each others short, impatient nerves!

We visited, and enjoyed so much, a small Baptist Church we found (plan to go back to that one this week). My little grandson N called me and we had a wonderful visit on the phone. My neighbors have been supportive and loving as everyone seems to be in a really great mood.

We have plenty to eat, this months bills are paid and I am helping my Mom look for a better car (OK maybe that shouldn't be on the blessing list but I'm trying). My family is healthy and everyone is safe.

Oh yes, I get a new phone this week from my daughter who loves me and my BF R suggested we go out to lunch again, she's ready and so am I - as always the Chinese Buffet - here we come!

I'm blessed always with my family and friends but honestly, sometimes they don't feel like a blessing (and shame on me). This week God blessed us with thoughts of each other and contact and good feelings that have been high.

I really have a wonderful life when I stop complaining and look at it with my heart wide open!

I love you Lord

Psalm 72:17
His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm pleased to hear your doing better. Keep that positive thinking going.


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